Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Story in a Statement

Tonight I popped into the Mac's Milk store with my youngest daughter. She was wearing thick beige tights and a light blue sheer skirt, both of which showed beneath her winter coat. The cashier asked my daughter if she'd just come from dance class. Shyly my daughter replied that no, she'd come from skating.

The cashier smiled and, as she handed me my change, leaned over and said quietly to me, "Enjoy her at that stage."

I nodded and walked out thinking that yeah, she's absolutely right. But I also caught myself wondering about the background to that statement. What was it in the cashier's story that urged her to say that to me, a stranger. I'm sure there's a story there...somewhere.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Eleven for Eleven

I've updated my website with my book on the War of 1812. This, The Legacy of the War of 1812, is my eleventh book--and it happened in 2011. Not that that's newsworthy, but it's kind of neat.

Interested in the topic of this conflict? Here's a commemorative site from the Government of Canada It's a solid first step for finding out more about the events that made up this war as well as the bicentennial commemoration events that will be happening soon:

So now, dare I hope for 12 books in '12? Actually--shh--it might be more than that. More details when I can share them.