Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Survived the Start of School

Happy 9/9/09 all!

Yesterday was the first day of school here. All three kids were excited. No one needed waking up. They had their outfits picked out days earlier. I knew what we'd have for breakfast. We got to the bus stop early. They were eagerly chatting about what their friends might have done all summer, what class would they be in, if any new kids would come to school.

I have to admit to feeling at loose ends all day. I kept wondering how it was all turning out for them. I felt like I was in a time warp because so much time went by and I hadn't been interrupted for snack suggestions, to break up squabbles. At the end of the day I waited with some nervous trepidation for the three reactions. And then everyone pronounced the day a good one! Everyone was happy with their classes. Hurray!

Today? Had to wake up a couple. Nobody knew what they would wear. I scrounged for breakfast fodder. We had to rush to the bus.

Yes, the normal routine resumes....

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