I say it was such a sharp contrast because this past weekend I was at the SCBWI Canada East chapter's "Spring Thing" retreat-style conference where it was mostly sunny and I got to talk writing and illustrating with writers and illustrators ALL WEEKEND! Okay, so I was more than "at" the event given that I'm the chapter's regional advisor.
Let me extend my personal thanks here to the terrific speakers (Molly O'Neill, assistant editor at the HarperCollins USA imprint the Bowen Press; Tim Gillner, art director at Boyds Mills Press; and Elizabeth MacLeod, author of more than 30 books for kids and former editor with Kids Can Press). Thanks too to the many volunteers because without you (Alma, Michelle, Chris, Peggy, Caroline) the event wouldn't have happened, and another big thank you to all the attendees. I hope everyone returned home as determined to continue working on their craft as I did.
Returning home to everyday reality was a bit of an adjustment, but you have to think that you pretty nearly have it all when, after an exhausting and creatively invigorating two-plus days, upon your return your youngest child hands you a picture of a bright yellow flower with these words on it:
To moma
I love you.
I hope you had a great time at your conference.
I miss you.
To my wonderful family, the words don't do my feelings justice, but let me just say:
Right back at you...quadrupled!