Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Secret Identity--Revealed!

In the past week two people I interact with in different capacities during regular parental life have told me their kids have received my book at school (and really enjoyed it, but of course!). Obviously some schools in my area are already giving out their TD Grade One Giveaway books. Both individuals never knew I was an author.

That gives me cause to pause.

I'm not hiding the fact that I write from my everyday life, but I suppose I don't proclaim it either. Why does it feel a little like my secret identity has been revealed, my cover is blown? I've never actively tried to keep my author job title a secret. Maybe I'm just not good at self promotion. Maybe I'm shy.

Soon there will be about 500,000 kids with my book in hand. That's awesome...humbling...and maybe more than a little difficult to really wrap my head around. As part of the Giveaway program, it looks like Scot Ritchie, the book's illustrator, and I will be touring some of southern Ontario for Canadian Children's Book Week. I won't be able to hide behind my identity as just a normal mom then, will I? It should be--gulp--fun!


Kelly H-Y said...

Congrats!!! 500,000!!! Wow ... that is so awesome!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Kelly. I had to read the press release at least 3 times before I believed it myself!!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

This is totally awesome! HUGE! I read it on the TD website and if I hadn't recognized the cover, may have missed it. Way to go!

I've also just found your blog. For some reason I hadn't checked it out yet. Funny posts!