Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Welcome to Winter

 Pines stand
limbs pinned
awaiting wind
to brush the weight
of winter white
from their boughs
to be bowed
no longer

Yes, winter has descended on my world with a whomp. Nothing...and then suddenly in 2 days about a foot of snow with more in the forecast. At least it waited till December this year. Nothing to do but use it as inspiration for a bit of spontaneous word play. Enjoy.

(photo and verse c Lizann Flatt)


Kelly H-Y said...

Wow ... that DID come fast!!! Love the picture and accompanying poem!

Rebecca Gomez said...

We had snow in mid October. It came and went quickly. But now we're getting serious snow. Two snow days in a row! Welcome, winter!

Unknown said...

Thanks, guys. Yes, looks like winter is here to stay for most of the usual snowy areas. Sigh. Bring on the hot chocolate!