Friday, November 20, 2009

Day Five Down

Off to London early in the morning.

Sights Seen from a Train
  • crumpled and lonely leaflet litter see-sawing in the breeze on a station platform
  • the scraped and scarred land of a gravel pit adorned with a rectangular jewel of turquoise water
  • fog shrouded barns and silos
  • combed cornfields rolling off into the distance
Most Memorable Moments
  • the two student greeters who made Scot and I feel so welcome at their school
  • posters on the school door and library made especially for us about our book
  • the respectful quiet clap of appreciation to welcome us
  • the girl who proudly handed us her autograph and drawings
  • seeing all the different writing projects from many grades proudly displayed all over school
And today's bonus
Sight Seen from a Taxi: Fatty Patty's Restaurant (complete with tagline proclaiming it to be A Food Experience). In fact, it might actually bump the Hefty Hoagie from the other day out of the running as the name of a super setting for a small town drama novel.

The Book Week presentations are now finished. Hard to believe! I'm sad to be done although admittedly a bit worn out. More profound thoughts (maybe) and pictures later.


TerryLynnJohnson said...

I'm loving being able to take this trip with you! Keep it up.

Catherine Austen said...

Sounds like a great trip, Lizann. I look forward to reading your afterthoughts when you've caught your breath (and to reading your future story set in the Fatty Patty Restaurant).

Unknown said...

Thanks guys. So much to process about the trip! And Catherine, was that a challenge?? You never know....